Many many many ….

Many of us have suffered during the last two years, which will be referred to as the covid area. Many of us have been in divided situations. Many of us wanted to comply, just to avoid being confronted. Many of us suffered for not complying. Many of us thought the future was no longer relevant.… Continue reading Many many many ….


To know what happiness is, you need to have been unhappy. To know what the light is, you need to have been in the dark. To die, you need to be born first.

Happy New Year 2022!

It has been a while since i posted here, and I wanted to start by wishing you all the best for this new year 2022! Great health, happiness and success in all your endeavours.

Never quit!

For those of us who have eyes to see and ears to listen know how bad days can get knowing all we know and seeing loved ones and humanity fall to the sea of deception that is surrounding us. Do not allow yourself to get overwhelmed and dwell on the negative. Find rest in God.… Continue reading Never quit!

Mass deception

Earth, beautiful planet, with beautiful creatures. Universe at its perfection landed on Earth. Most beautiful people, animals, plants, places, weather, …. reside all on Earth. How many times in your life, did you have the feeling, you were living in a paradise on Earth? And yet, Earth is also home to the evilest people the… Continue reading Mass deception